1. Introduction

MyInsuRec is the desktop app for financial advisors. If you are a financial advisor looking for an app to better manage your clients, meetings and products details, then look no further! MyInsuRec can boost your productivity with features to quickly look up client and meetings details. Beyond that, MyInsuRec helps you build relations and stay connected with your clients, through features such as getting a list of your clients’ upcoming birthdays.

MyInsuRec prioritizes user-friendliness and user experience. As such, interactions with MyInsuRec happens through typing, without ever needing to touch your mouse!

MyInsuRec is available for the Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. To get started, simply head over to the installation guide. This user guide can also serve as a reference for experienced users, with a convenient command summary.

2. How to use this User Guide

Welcome to MyInsuRec User Guide!

Thank you for choosing to use MyInsuRec.

This guide smooths the learning curve and helps you learn how to use MyInsuRec effectively.

Before we go on further, look out for these symbols in the User Guide as they provide some important messages you might want to know!

Symbol Background color Meaning
command - Indicates some command or parameter that can be entered into MyInsuRec.
:information_source: Blue Additional information. This symbol is followed by a label ‘Note’.
:exclamation: Yellow Crucial information needed for proper use of MyInsuRec. This symbol is followed by a label ‘Caution’.
:bulb: Green Tips and tricks. This symbol is followed by a label ‘Tips and tricks’.
:information_source: Note: If you have not installed MyInsuRec, you can follow the installation guide here!

After you have installed MyInsuRec, you can

  1. Familiarize yourself with MyInsuRec through the overview, which introduces terminologies and ideas that are used throughout this User Guide.
  2. Get to know the layout of the interface you will be interacting with.
  3. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn the basic features of MyInsuRec.
  4. Check out other advanced features under features once you got the hang of the basic features.
  5. Refer to our glossary when you come across an unfamiliar term used.
:information_source: Note: For experienced users, you can look at the Command Summary for a summarized table of all the commands available.

In the event where you encounter any trouble or issues, refer to our FAQ section or feel free to contact us.

We hope that this guide is helpful in smoothing out the learning curve for you!

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3. Overview

The following subsections explains some terminology and main features of MyInsuRec:

3.1 Clients

At the heart of MyInsuRec is the ability to help you organize and keep track of clients.

You can do client-specific tasks such as:

  • add a client and their details into MyInsuRec.
  • view a client and their details, such as any upcoming meetings and purchased products.
  • update a client’s details.
  • delete a client from MyInsuRec.

Beyond individual clients, you can also:

  • display a summarized list of all clients with their important details such as contact number, products bought.
  • filter and display a summarized list of clients with upcoming birthdays to help boost your customer relations.
  • filter and display a summarized list of clients who purchased a specific product.

3.2 Meetings

MyInsuRec eases a financial advisor’s mental load by helping them keep track of any upcoming meetings with clients.

You can do meeting-specific tasks such as:

  • add a meeting to a client in MyInsuRec.
  • view a meeting in greater details.
  • update a meeting’s details.
  • delete a meeting from a client in MyInsuRec.

Beyond individual meetings, you can also:

  • display a summarized list of all meetings with their important details such as meeting date and time.
  • filter and display a summarized list of upcoming meetings to help facilitate your follow-ups with your clients.

3.3 Products

MyInsuRec also includes the ability for you to define your products and helps track products your clients have purchased.

You can do product-specific tasks such as:

  • add a product to MyInsuRec.
  • delete a product from MyInsuRec.

Beyond individual products, you can also:

  • display a summarized list of all products.

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4. User Interface

The following subsections introduces the layout of MyInsuRec’s user interface.

:information_source: Note: This section is placed earlier to give you a first look at our product. As such, some details of the interface will likely make more sense after you get more familiarized with MyInsuRec! You can refer back to this section once you have visited some of MyInsuRec’s features to gain a deeper understanding of the layout.
:bulb: Tips and tricks: After executing a command specific to a list, the UI will automatically switch to that view. For example, executing addProduct will cause the UI to switch to Product’s view. Executing viewClient will cause the UI to switch to Detailed Client’s view.

4.1 Client List

This is the view after executing the listClient command. By default, this view is shown right after launching MyInsuRec.


4.2 Meeting List

This is the view after executing the listMeeting command.


4.3 Product List

This is the view after executing the listProduct command.


4.4 Detailed Client View

This is the view after executing the viewClient command.


4.5 Detailed Meeting View

This is the view after executing the viewMeeting command.


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5. Installation Guide

5.1 System Requirements

Here is everything you need to install and set up MyInsuRec. For the best possible experience, we recommend that you use MyInsuRec on the following supported operating systems:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

You will also require Java 11 or above to run MyInsuRec. If you don’t already have Java 11 or above on your system, head over to Oracle’s Java download page. To tell if you already have the correct version of Java installed on your system, refer to 10.1 Checking your system’s Java version.

5.2 Installation Instructions

To install MyInsuRec, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that your system meets the system requirements.

  2. Download the latest MyInsuRec.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your MyInsuRec.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Ui

Ta-da! MyInsuRec is now installed on your system.

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6. Tutorial

6.1 Basic features

Are you new to MyInsuRec? This section is the place to start!

Here, we will be guiding you on the basic features of MyInsuRec and helping you get familiarized with it.

  • When we first launch MyInsuRec, MyInsuRec will have already been preloaded with some sample data. We will be using this sample data to get familiar with MyInsuRec!

  • Type in addClient n/Tommy Tan p/81234567 to add a client named ‘Tommy Tan’ who has a contact number ‘81234567’. We will see the list of clients update to include this newly added client, with his phone number! The image below shows MyInsuRec after adding Tommy.


:information_source: Note: Both client name and their phone number are needed to add the client into MyInsuRec.
  • Tommy has also given us his email address, his address, as well as his birthday. As such, we would like to update Tommy’s record. To do that, we first need to get Tommy’s index from the list of clients, which is 7. Type in editClient i/7 e/tommytan21@gmail.com a/167 Canning Road b/25081982 and hit enter. Tommy’s record in the list of clients will update with the newly inputted details. The image below shows MyInsuRec after updating Tommy with the additional details.


  • We can also directly add these optional fields (email, address, etc.) when we are adding the client for the first time! So, addClient n/Tammy Lim p/90127654 e/tammylim@hotmail.com b/09091973 also adds in the client’s email and birthday directly.
:bulb: Tips and tricks: See addClient for more variety of optional fields!
  • Now we would like to add in an upcoming meeting with our client ‘Bernice Yu’ (index 2 in our sample data). We can do that by doing addMeeting i/2 d/27102022 st/1400 et/1600 dn/Review plan (You should replace d/27102022 with a future date in the DDMMYYYY format)! When we hit enter, MyInsuRec will show us the list of meetings, including the one we just added. The image below shows the list of meetings after adding the meeting with Bernice.
:information_source: Note: The date for meeting should not be in the past.


  • We would like to get Bernice’s contact number and message about her upcoming meeting! We can call viewMeeting i/1 to help us. This brings up a more detailed view of the meeting, with information such as description of the meeting and Bernice’s contact number. The image below shows MyInsuRec after using the viewMeeting command.


  • Now, to go back to the list of clients, simply type in listClient. This brings us back to the list of clients. The image below shows the current state of MyInsuRec after following all the previous steps.


  • Suppose your company introduced a new product ‘MyInsureCare’ that you are interested to sell, and would like to add it into MyInsuRec! We can do so via addProduct pd/MyInsureCare. This adds a product ‘MyInsureCare’ and also brings us to the list of products, including the newly added one. The image below shows MyInsuRec after adding the product.
:bulb: Tips and tricks: You can use listClient, listMeeting and listProduct to traverse between the different lists accordingly.


  • Now, we want to add a client named who has already purchased ‘MyInsureCare’. To do that, we can once again type in addClient n/Ng Jun Yi p/81230987 pd/MyInsureCare to add a client and indicate that he has bought ‘MyInsureCare’. The image below shows MyInsuRec after adding the client with the product.


:exclamation: Caution: Only products added already via addProduct can be used! This is to help ensure the cleanliness of MyInsuRec. So, add your product via addProduct before using it to add a client with that product! See addProduct.
  • Unfortunately ‘Alex Yeoh’ is no longer our client, and so we want to delete him from our records. To do that, type in delClient i/1. The image below shows MyInsuRec after deleting the client.


And there we have it! We have just gone through the basic bookkeeping features of MyInsuRec. Beyond that, we also have more advanced features such as getting a quick glance of all your upcoming meetings, filtering clients by products. To find out and learn more about these features, head to the Features section where all the commands and their details can be found.

To get started with a clean state of MyInsuRec, type in the command clear. This removes all the sample data from MyInsuRec, so don’t panic if you see that all your data are wiped off!

Welcome to your new and organized life, and happy (financial) advising!

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7. Features

This section guides you on how to use features available in MyInsuRec. We will lay out the command and parameters needed to use the feature, and show some examples as well as its expected behaviour. We also include some tips and tricks (yay!) on how you can better use the feature and MyInsuRec.

Do take some time to read the following note to better understand how you can use this section!

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you.
    e.g. in addClient n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, NAME and PHONE_NUMBER are parameters which can be used as addClient n/John Tan p/12345678.

  • Items in square brackets are optional, while those not in square brackets are compulsory.
    e.g. addClient n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER [a/ADDRESS] [e/EMAIL] [b/BIRTHDAY] [pd/PRODUCT] can be used as
    • addClient n/John Tan p/12345678
    • addClient n/John p/12345678 e/John@abc.com b/12122000
  • This symbol || indicates that only one of the optional parameters can be used.
    Using more than one optional parameter is strictly not allowed.
    e.g. listClient [pd/PRODUCT || b/BIRTHDAY] can be used as
    • listClient pd/Product1
    • listClient b/week
  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Suppose you entered the same command multiple times, only the last command will be executed. e.g. if you specify viewMeeting i/2viewMeeting i/2viewMeeting i/3, only viewMeeting i/3 will be taken.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command, but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify d/28092022 d/30092022, only d/30092022 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as exit and help) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies exit 123, it will be interpreted as exit.

  • Extraneous or incorrect parameters for commands that take in parameters (such as editClient and editMeeting) will be considered as part of the preceding valid parameter in the command.
    e.g. if the command is used as editClient i/1 n/Smith et/1230 where et/ is the only invalid parameter, the input by preceding valid parameter n/ will be read as Smith et/1230 (this input is invalid because it is not alphanumeric)

  • All incorrect parameters up until the first valid parameter will be ignored for commands that take in parameters (such as editClient and delMeeting).
    e.g. delMeeting n/Alex i/1 will be parsed correctly since i/1 is the first valid parameter and the incorrect parameter n/Alex before that is ignored.
:exclamation: Caution: In order to use pd/PRODUCT as a parameter, you must have already added that product into MyInsuRec via addProduct. See addProduct.

7.1 Client commands

This subsection covers all client-related commands.

7.1.1 Add client: addClient

Add a new client to MyInsuRec.

Format: addClient n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER [a/ADDRESS] [e/EMAIL] [b/BIRTHDAY] [pd/PRODUCT]...

:bulb: Tips and tricks: A client can have any number of products (including 0).
  • A client must have a NAME and a PHONE_NUMBER.
  • PHONE_NUMBER should contain only numbers and be at least 8 digits long.
  • EMAIL, BIRTHDAY, ADDRESS and PRODUCT are optional.
  • BIRTHDAY in the future are not acceptable.
  • PRODUCT must exists already. You can add multiple products to the client. Reuse pd/ prefix to add each product to the client.
  • If a NAME already exists in MyInsuRec, adding the same NAME will result in an error!

Use case:

  1. You have just found a potential client! You can use this command to add their particulars into MyInsuRec to help remember their contact information and other details.
:bulb: Tips and tricks: We are using NAME as a unique identifier because we have considered cases where parents will be using their contact details for their children. If you are stuck in a situation where both clients have the same name, you can add a few words to make them unique, for example John Tan NUS and John Tan SMU.


  • Add a client named John Tan and his phone number
    • addClient n/John Tan p/12345678
  • Same as above, but with his birthday this time
    • addClient n/John Tan p/12345678 b/12122000
  • Same as above, but with even more details
    • addClient n/John Tan p/12345678 e/johntan@insurec.com a/123 ABC ROAD, #11-01 pd/Product1
  • Same as above, but with multiple products
    • addClient n/John Tan p/12345678 e/johntan@insurec.com a/123 ABC ROAD, #11-01 pd/Product1 pd/Product2 pd/Product3

7.1.2 List clients: listClient

Shows the list of clients in MyInsuRec.

A valid filter can also be applied to show a selected list of clients.

Format: listClient [pd/PRODUCT || b/PERIOD]

  • A valid filter can be clients who have bought the product PRODUCT or clients whose birthday is in range PERIOD.
  • PRODUCT must exists already.
  • PERIOD is specified by keywords. The possible keywords are:
    • tomorrow for a list of clients whose birthday is tomorrow;
    • week for a list of clients whose birthday is in the next week;
    • month for a list of clients whose birthday from the start of the respective month to the end of the respective month.
:information_source: Note: The valid inputs for b/PERIOD differs from that of b/BIRTHDAY! b/PERIOD can only accept keywords, while b/BIRTHDAY can only accept specific dates.

Use case:

  1. You want to find out all your clients with upcoming birthdays so that you can prepare ahead and ensure that every client gets some birthday well wishes!
  2. You want to identify the number of clients who purchased a particular product for analytics reasons.


  • List all clients
    • listClient
  • List all clients who purchased Product1
    • listClient pd/Product1
  • List all clients with their birthdays in the next week
    • listClient b/week

:exclamation: Caution:

  • Both filters cannot exist simultaneously. A user can only apply one filter at each time. For example, listClient pd/Product1 b/week is strictly not allowed.

  • Extraneous parameters will not be taken into account. For example, listClient n/Alex will be considered as listClient without any error messages.

7.1.3 View client: viewClient

View details associated with a client, such as the client’s name and phone number.

Format: viewClient i/INDEX

  • Display information about the client at the specific INDEX.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown by executing listClient command.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Use case:

  1. View more specific details related to the client such as address and birthday which are not shown in the list of clients. This will help you foster a stronger relationship with your clients because you can wish them happy birthday!


  • View client with an INDEX of 1
    • viewClient i/1

Screenshot: ViewClient

7.1.4 Delete client: delClient

Delete the specified client from MyInsuRec.

Format: delClient i/INDEX

  • Delete the client at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown by executing listClient command.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • If INDEX is a non-positive integer or not shown in listClient, an error will be shown!

Use case:

  1. Suppose your client no longer requires your services and would like you to remove their personal information. You can use this command to remove their details from MyInsuRec.


  • Delete the client with an INDEX of 2
    • delClient i/2

7.1.5 Edit client: editClient

Edit details of the specified client.

Format: editClient i/INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [a/ADDRESS] [e/EMAIL] [b/BIRTHDAY] [pd/PRODUCT]...

:bulb: Tips and tricks: A client can have any number of products (including 0).
  • Edit the client at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown by executing listClient command.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • BIRTHDAY in the future are not acceptable.
  • PRODUCT must exists already.
  • At least one optional detail must be modified.
  • Maintain value of details not edited by the command.
  • If you wish to edit a client’s NAME and the NAME already exists in MyInsuRec, it will result in an error!
  • Editing the client’s products replaces all existing products with the products specified. You can add multiple products to the client. Reuse pd/ prefix to add each product to the edited client.

Use case:

  1. A client changed his address! Update the client details instead of having to removing the old record and creating a new record.


Suppose MyInsuRec contains only one client ‘John Tan’ having phone number ‘0123456789’:

  • Change the name of this client to ‘John Smith’
    • editClient i/1 n/John Smith
  • Add email ‘johntan@insurec.com’
    • editClient i/1 e/johntan@insurec.com
  • Add multiple products
    • editClient i/1 pd/Product1 pd/Product2
:bulb: Tips and tricks: We are using NAME as a unique identifier because we have considered cases where parents will be using their contact details for their children. If you are stuck in a situation where both clients have the same name, you can add a few words to make them unique, for example John Tan NUS and John Tan SMU.

7.2 Meeting commands

This subsection covers all meeting-related commands.

7.2.1 Add meeting: addMeeting

Add a new meeting to MyInsuRec.


  • A meeting contains the INDEX of the client in the clients list, the DATE and TIME for the meeting, and the DESCRIPTION of the meeting.
  • INDEX refers to the number of the client you are meeting with, as shown by executing the listClient command.
  • DATE should be given in the format DDMMYYYY.
    • For example, 01022022 represents 1 February 2022.
  • DATE before today is not acceptable.
  • START_TIME and END_TIME should be given in 24 Hours HHMM format.
    • For example, 1234 represents the 12:34PM.

Use case:

  1. You have just scheduled a meeting with a client! You can use this command to add the details of the meeting into MyInsuRec to help remember the meeting details.


Suppose MyInsuRec contains only one client ‘Alex’:

  • Add a meeting with Alex on 28-Sep-2022 from 2PM to 3PM
    • addMeeting i/1 d/28092022 st/1400 et/1500 dn/Alex's Policy Renewal
:bulb: Tips and tricks: MyInsuRec can help you detect conflicting meeting times! For example, attempting to add a meeting from 1330 to 1430 when you already have one scheduled for 1300 to 1400 will display an error message.

7.2.2 List meetings: listMeeting

Shows the list of meetings in MyInsuRec.

A valid filter can also be applied to show a selected list of meetings.

Format: listMeeting [d/PERIOD]

  • A valid filter can be upcoming meetings happening in range PERIOD.
  • PERIOD is specified by keywords. The possible keywords are:
    • tomorrow for a list of meetings happening tomorrow;
    • week for a list of meetings happening in the next week;
    • month for a list of meetings happening from the start of the respective month to the end of the respective month.
:information_source: Note: The valid inputs for d/PERIOD differs from that of d/DATE! d/PERIOD can only accept keywords, while d/DATE can only accept specific dates.

Use case:

  1. Get an overview of all your upcoming meetings. This is especially useful for if you have a busy and packed schedule, and want to ease your mental load of having to recall all of your upcoming meetings!
:bulb: Tips and tricks: This command is used to get the index of a meeting. In order to perform commands related to a particular meeting such as editMeeting, you will have to first get its index by running listMeeting. So, expect to use this command a lot!


  • List all meetings
    • listMeeting
  • List meetings happening in the next week
    • listMeeting d/week
:exclamation: Caution: Extraneous parameters will not be taken into account. For example, listMeeting n/Alex will be considered as listMeeting without any error messages.

7.2.3 View meeting: viewMeeting

View details associated with a meeting, such as the meeting’s date and time, as well as the client’s details associated with the meeting.

Format: viewMeeting i/INDEX

  • Display information about the meeting at the specific INDEX and details of the client whom you are meeting.
  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown by executing listMeeting command.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …

Use Case:

  1. Get an overview of the meeting and the client you are meeting with. This helps you become more prepared for the meeting, and you will not have to remember every single small detail of the meeting!


  • View meeting with an INDEX of 1
    • viewMeeting i/1

Screenshot: ViewMeeting

7.2.4 Delete meeting: delMeeting

Delete a meeting from MyInsuRec.

Format: delMeeting i/INDEX

  • Delete the meeting at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown by executing listMeeting command.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • If INDEX is a non-positive integer or not shown in listMeeting, an error will be shown!

Use case:

  1. Remove a cancelled meeting.
  2. Clean up any meetings that already happened. This helps to reduce clutter in MyInsuRec.


  • Delete meeting with an INDEX of 2
    • delMeeting i/2

7.2.5 Edit meeting: editMeeting

Edit details of the specified meeting.

Format: editMeeting i/INDEX [d/DATE] [st/START TIME] [et/END TIME] [dn/DESCRIPTION]

  • Edit information about the meeting at the specific INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown by executing listMeeting command.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • If INDEX is a non-positive integer or not shown in listMeeting, an error will be shown!
  • DATE before today is not acceptable.
  • At least one optional detail must be modified.
  • Details that are not edited will be kept as is.

Use case:

  1. A meeting got pushed back! Update the meeting details instead of having to remove the old record and create a new record.


  • Edit the description of the meeting with an INDEX of 1.
    • editMeeting i/1 dn/Follow up team meeting

7.3 Product commands

This subsection covers all product-related commands.

7.3.1 Add product: addProduct

Add a new product to MyInsuRec.

Format: addProduct pd/PRODUCT

  • Add a product having name PRODUCT.
  • A product must have a product name which is PRODUCT.
  • A product name can only be alphanumeric and contain spaces. Other symbols are strictly not allowed.

Use Case:

  1. You can define your own insurance products that you sell and tag them to clients who have bought the product. Now, you will not have to worry about forgetting which product the client bought!


  • Add product with product name of ‘Product1’
    • addProduct pd/Product1

7.3.2 List products: listProduct

Show the list of products in MyInsuRec.

Format: listProduct

Use case:

  1. Get an overview of all the products you are offering!
  2. This feature is used to get the index of a product, which is needed for most product-related commands.


  • List all products
    • listProduct

7.3.3 Delete product: delProduct

Delete a product from MyInsuRec. This command removes this product from all the clients as well.

Format: delProduct i/INDEX

  • Delete the product at the specified INDEX.
  • INDEX refers to the index number shown by executing listProduct command.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • If INDEX is a non-positive integer or not shown in listProduct, an error will be shown!

Use case:

  1. If you no longer offer this product and no clients have purchased it before, you can remove it from MyInsuRec and prevent it from cluttering up MyInsuRec!
:information_source: Note: This command is usually preceded by listProduct. This is because the product’s index number INDEX is required to use this command, and listProduct shows a list of all the products with their index numbers.
:exclamation: Caution: This feature should only be used if there is a need to delete a product, which is unlikely in most scenarios! Use with caution as this not only removes the product from MyInsuRec’s product list, it also removes the product from any association with your clients.


  • Delete product with an INDEX of 2
    • delProduct i/2

7.4 General commands

7.4.1 View help: help

Show a message explaining how to access the help page (this user guide!).

You can click on ‘Copy URL’, then paste the link into your browser to get to the help page.

help message

Format: help

7.4.2 Exit MyInsuRec: exit

Exit the program.

Format: exit

7.4.3 Clear MyInsuRec: clear

Clear all data regarding clients, meetings and products from MyInsuRec.

Format: clear

Use Case:

  1. MyInsuRec comes with default data to help you get started with using the application. But, you may want to clear this data in order to add your own clients and meetings instead. So, this commands allows you to clear default data shipped with MyInsuRec.
  2. Restarting the app from an empty version.

:exclamation: Caution: This is a one-shot way of removing all data stored in MyInsuRec. Only clear when you are sure you do not need the data anymore!

7.5 Others

7.5.1 Save the data

MyInsuRec data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

7.5.2 Edit the data file

MyInsuRec data are saved as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/myinsurec.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, MyInsuRec will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run.
:exclamation: Caution: Do not make any changes to the IDs (e.g., "@UUID" : "3bbda97d-bae5-4f28-8ea0-0d0b39ee5a56") stored in the data file unless you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing!

7.5.3 Change the color scheme

MyInsuRec comes with light and dark color schemes. To change between the two, simply click on the View menu button and select the desired mode!

Dark Mode

7.6 Proposed features

7.6.1 Duplicate clients detection [coming in v1.5]

We plan to be able to detect duplicate clients entries in v1.5. For example, ‘John Tan’ and ‘john tan’ are likely to be the same person. As such, we plan to add a feature that warns the user when using such similar inputs.

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8. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app, then overwrite the myinsurec.json file created by the app with the version of the file from the previous computer. The myinsurec.json is located in [JAR file location]/data/myinsurec.json.

Q: Where is my data file located?
A: The data file is located at [JAR file location]/data/myinsurec.json.

Q: I accidentally closed the app, will my data still be there?
A: Yes, your data is saved automatically after every action.

Q: My computer does not recognise the file type jar. How do I open the app?
A: Check if your computer already has Java 11 or above installed from 10.1 Checking your system’s Java version. If not, follow the instructions to install Java.

Q: Why can’t I add a product to my client?
A: First check that the product has been created use the listProduct command. Create the product using the addProduct command if it is not there. Add the product to the client using the editClient or addClient command.

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9. Command summary

Action Format Examples
Add client addClient n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER [a/ADDRESS] [e/EMAIL] [b/BIRTHDAY] [pd/PRODUCT]... addClient n/John Tan p/12345678
addClient n/John Tan p/12345678 a/123 ABC ROAD, #11-01 e/johntan@insurec.com b/12122000 pd/Product1
List clients listClient [pd/PRODUCT || b/BIRTHDAY] listClient
listClient pd/Product1
listClient b/tomorrow
listClient b/week
listClient b/month
View client viewClient i/INDEX viewClient i/1
Delete client delClient i/INDEX delClient i/1
Edit client editClient i/INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [a/ADDRESS] [e/EMAIL] [b/BIRTHDAY] [pd/PRODUCT]... editClient i/1 n/John Smith
Add meeting addMeeting i/INDEX d/DATE st/START_TIME et/END_TIME dn/DESCRIPTION addMeeting i/1 d/28092022 st/1400 et/1500 dn/Alex's Policy Renewal
List meetings listMeeting [d/PERIOD] listMeeting
listMeeting d/tomorrow
listMeeting d/week
listMeeting d/month
View meeting viewMeeting i/INDEX viewMeeting i/1
Delete meeting delMeeting i/INDEX delMeeting i/1
Edit meeting editMeeting i/INDEX [d/DATE] [st/START TIME] [et/END TIME] [dn/DESCRIPTION] i/1 dn/Follow up team meeting
Add product addProduct pd/PRODUCT addProduct pd/Product1
List products listProduct listProduct
Delete product delProduct i/INDEX delProduct i/1
Help help help
Exit exit exit
Clear clear clear

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10. Troubleshooting

This section covers technical issues you may run into while using MyInsuRec.

10.1 Checking your system’s Java version

To check that your system has the correct Java version (Java 11 and above) to run MyInsuRec, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Open your terminal.
    • Windows
      • Use Win + S to open search.
      • Type in ‘Terminal’ to search for it and click on it to launch.
    • macOS
      • Use Cmd + Space to open Spotlight search.
      • Type in ‘Terminal’ to search for it and click on it to launch.
    • Linux
      • Use Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Terminal.
  2. In your terminal, type in java --version and click enter.
  3. The following image shows an example what will show up in macOS, but you can expect a similar result in Windows.


  1. The number in the red highlight rectangle tells you the Java version installed. For example, the Java version installed on the example system is Java 11.0.16, which is sufficient to run MyInsuRec as it is greater than Java 11.

  2. If you do not see a similar result in the terminal after Step 3, or have an earlier version of Java, head over to Oracle’s Java download page to install Java.

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10. Acknowledgements

This project is based on the AB3 project template by se-education.org.

We thank the CS2103T and CS2101 teaching team and all our classmates for supporting us in this project!

11. Glossary

Quick Reference



Command Line Interface, user interface that accepts input as lines of text.



An email address identifies an email box to which messages are delivered. If you wish to know more about email addresses, you can visit this link to view the format of valid emails!



Graphical User Interface, user interface that accepts input in means other than text, such as mouse clicks.



Number indicating the position of a client, meeting, or product in their respective lists.

In all commands INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

In editClient, delClient, and viewClient commands, INDEX refers to the number shown by executing listClient command.

e.g. David Li has position of 4 in the shown client list:

In viewMeeting, delMeeting, and editMeeting commands, INDEX refers to the number shown by executing listMeeting command.

e.g. The meeting shown has position of 1 in meeting list:

In delProduct command, INDEX refers to the number shown by executing listProduct command.

e.g. Product6 has position of 5 in the shown product list:


JSON file

A file that stores data that has been structured according to the JSON data format. Refer to this article by W3Schools for more information.

JAR file

A file having the extension .jar which is usually used to share applications written in Java. MyInsuRec can be downloaded and executed as a JAR file.

Java 11

Java 11 is a release version of Java which is required to run MyInsuRec.



Value that should be provided to a command for it to execute. e.g. the delClient command requires the INDEX value identifying a client in order to delete that client.

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12. Contact Us

Our team is committed to delivering a high-quality product, so we’d love to hear from you if you have any feedback or enquiries!

Please feel free to contact us at myinsurec@gmail.com.

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